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    Wednesday Wisdom | The End of Year Roundup

    If you already follow Better Raw on Facebook, it's no news to you that each weekday is a groovy topic for inspirational nuggets. Here is what you'll be used to seeing me post:
    On the last Wednesday of 2013 and to celebrate the End of the Year, here is the second half of this year's round-up of Better Raw's Wednesday Wisdom - from August to December 2013. To see the first half - from January to July 2013 - click here.

    Alkaline foods vs Acidic foods chart.

    Top 3 immunity benefits of probiotics. The best thing is that you don't need to take supplements to get them and can have the best probiotics from food sources. That's why I love making my Sauerkraut so much, it's packed with digestible, immunising, healthy gut flora goodness.

    When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is comprised of two characters- danger and opportunity. The universe is all about balance, and full of clues to prove it.

    Advice from a Tree:
    Stand tall and proud. Go out on a limb. Remember your roots. Drink plenty of water. Be content with your natural beauty. Enjoy the view.

    'What's your skin telling you? 
    Did you know that skin conditions like acne, rash, excessive oiliness and redness on certain areas of your face- can help you decipher what's going on on the inside?

    A build your own your own juice chart! What would you add to it if it was yours?

    You are on the right track even though it may not seem like it now, you are doing the right thing.

    Eat your colours for the healthiest you! Here are the veggies to get them in.

    It's easy to get swayed by lovely fresh looking labels (happens to me too sometimes), so here is a helpful explanation of Food Marketing Translations. If ever in doubt, simply turn the product around and read the list of ingredients...
    Why you should eat one avocado a day (like you needed a reason :))

    The Incredible Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar.

    Great list of foods which help with arthritis, joint pains and inflammation! 

    Something a little different and fun for you today; how about 50 things you DON'T need to know.

    You've got to understand that 200 calories of that is better than zero calories of this...

    You can't buy happiness, but you can buy tea and that's kind of the same thing.

    How long something takes to decompose. What a reminder about plastic!

    Know your top natural painkillers...

    "Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

    Know your chocolate. Here are the main differences between Cacao and Cocoa. Hard to believe all chocolate actually comes from the same plant, looking at what they do to it to make Cocoa.

    "Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created."

    Top 5 reasons to choose organic...

    Disclaimer: I respect and support the creative minds behind each image, so every known author/artist will always be published. If however an image has no original source sited, it is only because it was either sent to me or went viral online. If you are the source or you know the source for any if the above, please leave a comment below and I'll link your creation back to you!
    To make sure you don't miss another Wednesday Wisdom post, 'LIKE' Better Raw on Facebook and share it with your friends. 

    My top 5 Superfoods for immunising during winter and always

    Touch wood, but I haven't been sick with either a cold or a flu in over five years now.

    If you asked for my secret five years ago, I would've put it down solely to green smoothie drinking. Then over time, as my diet evolved and my curiosity for superfoods, wholefoods and supplements grew, I am now confident of this:

    The immune system gets stronger with variety.

    Variety of the foods you put in your mouth, variety in your eating patterns (think detoxing and fasting), variety of seasons and temperature (think bare feet in winter and shower tempering), your exercise regime, work breaks, things you look at, places you travel to, conversations you have and so on.

    But the number one thing is and will always be- something we do and think about more often than anything else- eating.

    As a coach I often find myself reminding others to listen to their bodies, not their heads, for what they want to eat. But I do get that sometimes you have to first taste a certain food to store it in your body's wisdom library for later reference. I also get that some health foods sound too alien for a willing wallet, so hoping to decipher the code for you by sharing five immunising foods which my body is loving this winter season and why I think that you should try them too…

    photo: source
    ABOUT: Camu Camu is a bush growing in the black water rivers of the Amazon, which produces berries about the size of large grapes. They get picked at peak ripeness and frozen in the boat that collects them. Back at the plant, they are thawed, peeled and dried to a powder, which we are lucky to buy around the world. To me this is an absolute wonder food. It's about 60 times higher in Vitamin C than oranges, making it the highest source of Vitamin C in the world! So just 1/2 teaspoon of dry powder provides almost 400% of RDA. 
    HOW TO TAKE: I always keep some Camu Camu in the cupboard and only find myself taking a little before flying or at a change of every season to keep my immune system strong. Luckily I don't have the need for regular use, but Elliot is the one usually under the weather because of his work. As soon as he starts to feel like a cold is coming on, I get him to take 2 teaspoons of Camu Camu mixed with 2 teaspoons of Bee Pollen and the next day he is back to normal. Many of my clients take a teaspoon each day in smoothies or juices for 2 weeks to immunise and then just 1/2 teaspoon to maintain their health.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: Bee Pollen is a superfood used by vegetarian and even non-vegetarian athletes, because of its mega high protein content. It has 20 of 22 essential amino acids!! What's more is that to me this is like a complete food also being full of carbohydrates, Vitamins A, B and C and minerals like magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, silica, phosphorous, sulphur, chlorine and manganese. It's been known to ease and cure many allergies, to energise, lower blood pressure, improve digestion and clear problematic skin.

    HOW TO TAKE: As you've just read above, I mix it with a little Camu Camu, because the berry powder is tangy and the pollen is sweet, so they make a tasty crumble. You can eat it as is- straight from a spoon, spread it on a cracker together with almond butter, add to smoothies, cookies, energy balls, granola and anything else you'd like a little taste of honey with. Generally a tablespoon a day is a good amount, but you can't overdose on the stuff, so enjoy to your heart's desire.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: "Our bodies need essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6 for maintaining optimum heart health, brain function, supple joints and a strong immune system. They are called ‘essential’ because our bodies cannot produce them -- they need to be included in our diets. However, with modern day food processing and cooking methods which damage or destroy these delicate essential fats, our sources of “healthy”, undamaged omega oils are limited. Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend provides a simple and convenient way of ensuring the whole family can obtain these important nutrients by mixing it in with foods or your favourite smoothie (great for getting the omega oils into kids!)"

    INGREDIENTS: Flaxseed oil, Sunflower seed oil, Sesame seed oil, Coconut oil, Evening primrose oil (13mg gla/15ml), Soy lecithin, Rice bran and rice germ oils, Oat bran and oat germ. [From organically grown plant seeds. Gluten free].

    HOW TO TAKE: You really don't need to add it to anything, as the oil is actually lovely tasting as it is and it's easy to take 1-2 tablespoons daily for beautiful skin and healthy hair amongst many benefits. Otherwise you can stir that amount into salad dressings, smoothies and sauces.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: Maca is a root vegetable from Peru, which quickly gained popularity out these ways, when people discovered its hormonal balancing, libido enhancing and fertility promoting powers. It is also an amazing adaptogen, which means that it helps the body adapt to stress and therefore strengthen the immune system. It is recommended for men and women for maintaining good health and protein intake (yes it contains high amount of essential amino acids!) or for treatment purposes for those with anaemia, memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome, erectile disfunction, menstrual issues, osteoporosis and depression.
    HOW TO TAKE: Maca is energising, so it is best taken in the morning with breakfast. You can get it in capsule form if you find the taste too strong. I quite enjoy both the aroma and the taste in its powdered form and usually put a teaspoon into my breakfast nut-shake or a hot spiced chocolate. I also often sprinkle it over granola and add it to raw cakes, crackers, sauces and smoothies. I haven't heard any overdosing stories, but personally feel that 3 teaspoons per day would be my limit.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: pH Booster is in my opinion the best possible mix for alkalising superfood powders EVER! Naturally I would say that of course, it being my own product, however I put it together only because there was nothing so potent on the market for my annual course 'Acid-Alkaline Breakthrough'. I wanted the most effective way of boosting pH levels, while mineralising, immunising and detoxing all at the same time. The result was this combo of 22 greens, herbs, grasses and vegetables. Every element is either certified organic or free from agro-chemicals and totally raw - all ingredients are juiced and/or dried below 110 degrees F to preserve their nutrients and enzymes. It is widely known that no disease can claim a body in its alkaline state, so it is very important to test your pH levels on litmus paper and make sure you don't tip over to the acidic side. This is where the pH Booster plays a crucial part.
    INGREDIENTS: Wheatgrass powder, Barley Grass Powder, Alfalfa Herb Powder, Bilberry Leaf Powder, Black Walnut Leaf Powder, Couchgrass Powder, Dandelion Leaf Powder, Ground Lemongrass, Marshmallow Root Powder, Meadowsweet Herb Powder, Ground Pau d'Arco Inner Bark, Ground Peppermint, Rosehip Powder, Ground Rosemary, Red Sage Powder, Ground Thyme, White Willow Bark Powder, Horsetail Powder, Slippery Elm Powder, Celery Seed Powder, Chlorella Powder, Spirulina Powder.

    HOW TO TAKE: As the Acid-Alkaline Breakthrough course is 28 days, I suggest 1 teaspoon 2-4 times daily. You'll need 2 of these 200g bottles for the full duration of the course. Otherwise for general good health- a teaspoon a day -mixed in water, smoothies, juices or sprinkled on cereals- is a great way to enjoy the powder.

    Buy here>>

    Please note that all of these recommendations are based on my own personal experience and are not intended to diagnose or treat chronic conditions. Consult with your health professional and always follow your own intuition. Remember to celebrate detox and health too!

    My year of awesomeness with The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

    Since January of this year, amongst all other major life commitments like planning a wedding, running online programs, writing my first hard copy book, writing another eBook, launching my new alkalising superfood product- pH booster, organising my first Raw Food and Soul Adventures Retreat in Ecuador, and planning the biggest project of my life's work (to be revealed soon), I have also been studying at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This school is based in New York, but the course is done by correspondence. It is a part-time course full of recorded lectures by world class speakers, like Deepak Chopra, David Wolfe, Geneen Roth and hundreds more! The amount of inspiration and knowledge I've gained over this time can't be measured and I would love LOVE love for everyone who even considers doing this year long program, to look deeper into it and invest in yourself (scroll down for Special Discount news). You become a qualified Health Coach at the end of it, but what really matters to me is the person you become during it. Here is just a handful of amazing quotes which I've been jotting doing during the year. I thought you'd love them too... "Anyone I've ever met who has their shit together, was standing in it at the time." - Stephen Levine "Information doesn't mean a thing to people without inspiration." - Bernie Siegel "The way we do anything is the way we do everything. The way we eat is the way we live." - Geneen Roth "For every diet there's an equal and opposite binge (bulimia which is binging and purging is another way of depriving yourself)." - Geneen Roth "We spend our lives protecting ourselves from losses that already happened." - Geneen Roth "This is not a diet, this is a way of life, that is sustainable over a lifetime." - Mark Sisson "Don't try to help people to 'not die', help them to enjoy life!" - Bernie Siegel "People with plants in their home live 5-7 years longer. It's about relationships. Water and take care of a plant, you are already not lonely, even though you might live alone. - Bernie Siegel (about how having a relationship helps you to survive) "I always remember the words of George Halas, the owner of the Chicago Bears football team. When he was well into his eighties a friend found him in his office on Sunday, and asked him why, at his age, he was working on a Sunday. His response, 'It’s only work if there’s someplace else you’d rather be.'" - Bernie Siegel "If you love people, you'll enjoy your life. If you don't, you won't love anything you do." - Bernie Siegel "The purpose of healing is to live while you are alive instead of dying while you are alive. Healing is about being broken and whole at the same time." - Geneen Roth "If LOVE could talk to you about your relationship with food, what would it say?" - Geneen Roth "We are using the food as a doorway to understanding the rest of our lives." - Geneen Roth "Enjoy your food but eat less - choosemyplate.gov" - Geneen Roth "'I want it just because I love it'... But people that love things, take time with things. You want to be present with what you are eating, not gorging yourself with food and feeling bloated and gaseous. That's not love, that's suffering." - Oprah Winfrey "Noone wants to do business with people who give a limp handshake." - Karin Witzig "One of the reasons why McDonald's can keep their burgers at such a low cost is because of their low cost labour. They protest in order to keep the minimum wage from rising". - Michele Simon JD, MPH "Food is the most effective way of breaking down social barriers". - John Quilter, food busker "We are already eating less animal foods since a few years ago, but we are still eating 8-9 billion animals per year." - Mark Bittman "Industrialised stock producers don't want you to see what these conditions are like. They wanna fill your screens of happy farmers looking after individual animals. That's not what it looks like." - Mark Bittman "Your 'Pringle' contains 30% potato, that yoghurt has the same amount of sugar as ice cream, that whole grain cereal bar may be no better for you than a snickers." - Mark Bittman "We need to demonise soda, the way we've demonised cigarettes." - Mark Bittman "50-100 years from now we are all going to be eating a plant based diet. Whether that happens through a catastrophe or a peaceful sustainable life giving way is based on whether we make the right choices now and how we fight in this struggle together." - Mark Bittman "If you don't have your health, then you don't have anything. Life can then be a real drag and a drain on your finances." - Andrea Beaman "Pesticides are great at killing bugs. What's the difference between a human being and a bug? Size. Pesticides will do the same to us, it will just take longer." - Andrea Beaman "Pesticides accumulate in fat cells and organs to break us down over time." - Andrea Beaman "Localharvest.org to join CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to pay approx $500USD to a local farmer and get seasonal weekly harvest for 24 weeks! That's one shop to WholeFoods Market for some." - Andrea Beaman "Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson "Food alone wont give you that higher spiritual attunement, it along won't give you financial abundance or relationship satisfaction. But it is a necessary component, a platform. We must nail the food first!" - Mike Adams, The Health Ranger "We all want to be at the top of the mountain NOW without climbing it. It is unavoidable, so you might as well enjoy the process." - Stacey Morgenstern "If you can describe a person's problem better than they can, then they will automatically and unconsciously credit you with knowing the solution. They assume you know the answer. What is my prospect's problem? Then list specific frustrations." - Peter Drecker "You know enough. You are capable enough. You have everything you need within you." - IIN member "As soon as you trust yourself, you'll know how to live." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "In Chinese medicine, you are taught that anger is in the liver. When liver is irritated, anger occurs." - - - Joshua Rosenthal "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. And when you change the way you be with things, the things you be with change." - Paul Epstein. "The difference between meditation and morning pages is that often if you have something bothering you and go into meditation with it, you might come out thinking that nothing needs to be done about whatever was bothering you. Morning pages move you into action and usually as you start writing, by the end you know very clearly what is bothering you and what the steps are to fix it." - Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way "There are 4 questions I ask when I'm ready to binge: 1. Am I hungry? 2. Is this what I want to eat? 3. Is this what I want to eat now? 4. Is there something else that I could eat instead?" - Julia Cameron "Morning pages routine: What do I need to know? What do I need to try? What do I need to accept? What do I need to do? What do I need to grieve? What do I need to celebrate?" - Julia Cameron "Ultimately what you believe to be true, will be true for you. This is why so many don't lose weight- your brain has not received the message that your body has changed." - Marilena Minucci "The person doesn't fail. It's the strategy that fails." - Marilena Minucci "Have you ever criticised or mirrored another? It's really about you, not them. If you spot it- you've got it." - Marilena Minucci "Great affirmation to shift on a cellular level: 'Even though I don't know how/ even though I feel this way, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself." - Marilena Minucci
    If you are even slightly inspired by the sound of The Institute For Integrative Nutrition's course, I urge you to get in contact with ambassadors@integrativenutrition.com or (877) 730-5444 for more info. As a friend of mine, you can often get a spot with savings. Tell IIN, that Tanya Alekseeva sent you to secure a special price to see what's on offer.

    Meet the Better Raw team | Green Warming Wintery Porridge Recipe

    What a week it's been! With Kiwi friends visiting London and other Kiwi friends getting ready to move back home, it's been a wild affair of busy-ness and reflection, this past week for me.

    I can hardly believe how much is accomplishable in just 7 days, but by far my highlights have been:

    1. Watching Elliot receive his Lordship title on his Birthday (see photo),
    2. Having an 'Iconic London' photo shoot with the amazing Samjhana Moon (more on this soon),
    3. Running my favourite class 'Raw Food 101' just yesterday (see photo), and
    4. Capturing this picture in my own lounge:

    It literally flooded every one of my cells with so much gratitude, it's not even funny. That is Kelly on the left, who you might've e-met in regards to all things 'fun + giveaways + reviews' at Better Raw. And that is Nina on the right, who you might've e-met in regards to eBook affiliates and marketing.

    And if you've contacted us via hello@betterraw.com, this is Michelle who you would've corresponded with:

    I feel so blessed to be surrounded by this amazing team (not to mention 'this amazingly good looking team'!) and to have the most sweet, loving, intuitive, clever and creative girls shaping the Better Raw community with me. It is only because of their generous help, that I can finally focus on bigger and much more important things for you!

    One upcoming project is so big and exciting, it scares the bleep out of me. Once I can reveal a little more- you, my friend will be the first to know...

    Watch this space :)

    But for now, enjoy a recipe, which the girls and I have been loving during our happy and productive Fridays together...

    Serves 2

    3 apples
    1 medium carrot
    1/4 pineapple
    1 inch ginger root
    big bunch kale (about 100g)
    3 cups jumbo oats
    optional toppings: fruit, desiccated coconut, goji berries, etc

    - Slice all your fruit and and veggies to prepare them for juicing.
    - Feed them through the chute of your juicer and stir the juice.
    - Mix the juice with oats in a large bowl and leave aside for 10-20 minutes to soak up the liquids and soften into a porridge.
    - Serve with fresh or dried fruit.

    Tanya's Top Tip: this recipe is best prepared with fruits and veggies which have been kept outside of the fridge for 24 hours. They would be at room temperature and contribute to creating a 'warming' porridge.

    8 reasons why you need a Stinging Nettle in your life

    Mother Nature is miraculously wise. I will never stop learning from her and I never want to stop either. If there was one thing that I'm certain she'd want me to know for sure, it would be the language of her babies. Her babies that possess her wisdom. The plants of the earth. Wild edibles.

    These greens that we are so quick to dismiss as weeds and name-call as invaders to our gardens are actually nature's fast growing babies, screaming for attention, trying to tell us something...

    I used to go berserk over a weed which had reappeared just days after I've ripped it out of the ground, but I know better now. 

    I am fascinated by how quick it grows back because I know that its roots extend deeply into the earth- a clue to become grounded for when I choose to eat it. 
    I am amazed by how it doesn't only survive through any weather, it thrives during changing temperatures that fuel its cells- a clue to become energised for when I choose to eat it. 
    I am intrigued by how a weed could burn or sting us when touched- a clue that if it is that good at protecting itself, it will be that good at protecting and immunising us also.

    Not every weed is the same and not every weed is edible of course, but you'd be happy to know that a plant growing in abundance all around the UK, Asia, USA and Europe is one that's not only safe for consumption, but is a proven panacea to pretty much any ache and ill. Introducing... Stinging Nettles!

    Benefits of nettles are endless, but here are my top 8 reasons to add them into your diet:

    The fresh juice of stinging nettles stimulates digestion, enhances the excretion of wastes via kidneys and gently cleanses your entire system.

    Nettle teas have been used for centuries to stop urinary tract bleeding, slow down excessive menstrual flow and inhibit haemorrhoids.

    The chlorophyll in the cells of nettles is highly alkalising, which works to release the uric acid from the joints of gout patients. As the pH levels begin to rise, pain decreases along with any symptoms of gout, arthritis, fibromyalgia and other joint and tissue conditions.

    As a powerful tonic and cleanser, it works hard to shake up the internal system, promote appetite, and distress and eliminate intestinal worms.

    The leaves of nettles, which you can use in teas, juice through a juicer or flavour salads with are packed with iron, hence making it an effective treatment for building blood, anaemia and chronic fatigue.

    Applied topically, nettles stimulate the scalp, increase hair growth, strengthen the hair and prevent baldness. It's been proven to restore greying hairs to their original pigment and relieve dandruff too.

    Used as a wash, a nettle decoction will rejuvenate the skin and eliminate warts. A nettle tea, taken internally and applied externally at the same time is a great relief for eczema and acne.

    This is one of the amazing [and once realised, obvious] clues that Mother Nature provides us. As a way of making you react with nettle allergies, like hay fever, asthma and hives, it is trying to bring our attention to what is missing in our system. In this case stinging nettle leaves used as a herbal treatment are usually the remedy to such allergies, being full of biologically active compounds which reduce inflammation.

    If that's not enough reasons to start adding these babies into your diet, check out the great articles from Mother Earth News, Herbal LegacyNatural News and Herb Wisdom

    Otherwise, go for it, get some gloves on and start picking your own nettles! If you can get them from a forest, growing away from pollution- even better, no need to wash! Here I'm sharing some pictures with you of my recent trip to my dear client's holiday home in Le Touquet, France, where nettles grew like they were in a race and we were only happy to pick them for our juice...

    Just 2 hours from busy London city and you are in the most serene country side and a different country!

    We found a tractor!

    I am blown away by this image, as I took it without a person in sight, but looks like nothing stops an angel.

    Geri's  country house has literally every sporting equipment and game imaginable.  Fun!

    I love to fly. I love to jump. And I don't mind a bit of trampolining action. Not one bit!

    Who needs a caption, when you can see this with your eyes.

    I think I may have taken about 100 shots of every angle and still I could take 100 more.

    Nights are for movie watching by the fire.

    The house has 7 bedrooms and sleeps 15 people, you can rent it! Ask me for Geri's contact details.

    The room that saw the most action- we juiced our wild edibles, ate dehydrated snacks and chatted for hours.

    Country side meets Nature meets France. All in one cosy, beautiful house.

    Some friends saying hello.

    Paris Plage is just over an hour drive away!

    Apart from NZ, this is by far the most active beach of kite surfing, biking, swimming, running, playing and horse riding I've ever seen.

    And something equally as fascinating in my books was this! Our ride back home... under water, through the ocean from France to England, inside EuroTunnel. Incredible!

    And because I can't just list a heap of reasons to take nettles, but not leave you with a way to do just that, here is a recipe, which is both easy and tasty...

    serves 2

    Large bowl of nettles (or a mix of wild edibles)
    2 beetroots
    2 pears
    1 celery sprig
    1/2 lemon

    -Pick the nettles using gloves so they don't sting you and use either tongs or gloves to transfer them into your juicer with.
    -Slice the rest of the ingredients and feed them, including the rind of the lemon, through a juicing chute.
    -Stir and enjoy.

    If you are looking for a juicer, check out my recommendations here: www.betterraw.com/p/store.html . If you are looking for the very best juicer to get the most out of your greens, look no further than the GreenStar Elite>>