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    Today you guys are in for a real treat. Not one you might physically taste, but one you should feel. This treat of an interview with an incredible lady is bound to amaze and inspire...

    Fiona Jeffrey’s story of determination certainly had a big impact on me, as I had the honour to be her wellness coach while she trained for an event, which was going to change her life. She competed in an unthinkable 100 mile race (that's 161 kilometres peeps!), running non stop for 36 painful hours including two dark and stormy nights, all through steep and rugged Cornish hills, bleeding popped toe nails, agonising knee injury and overwhelming mind chatter. She did this being 100% vegetarian and mostly raw.

    I knew I was going to love working with this incredible human being, who humbly refers to herself as the 'most ordinary person'. That’s the only thing we don’t agree on however. And as I interview Fiona today, I hope you will see just what I mean...

    Tanya: A lot has changed for you since you took up running. Could you share with us a little about your previous diet and lifestyle? 

    Fiona: 'Peaks and troughs' is probably the best description of my old lifestyle – sometimes very healthy, sometimes ridiculously unhealthy! In my 20s and early 30s, I spent a lot of time partying - lots of drinking, eating junk food, not getting enough sleep, not getting enough exercise, smoking (I always called myself a 'social smoker' as that didn't seem so bad to me, but because I was always out socialising, I could smoke a heck of a lot! I only quit completely 5 years ago!) I'd do that for a while, then get bored of it, so turn to fitness and healthy living, which I really enjoyed. After a while though, I'd slowly fall back into my old, 'bad habit' ways. When you've grown up living a certain way and you're surrounded by friends who are all doing the same thing, it takes a big effort to stop and make changes that stick.

    Tanya: How long have you been running and what’s been your longest run prior to the most recent 100 miles? 

    Fiona: I've been running a little ever since school. Maybe one or or two miles a week. I'd always dreamed of doing a marathon before I reached 30... but at 34 years old, I still hadn't got around to it. Realising time was slipping past, I became annoyed and decided to quit making excuses and finally train for one. I got my distance up to 12 miles and then picked up an injury and had to stop. I tried marathon training again a year later and the same thing happened. For a few years after, I went back to running once or twice a week, 3 miles at most. I thought that I just wasn't supposed to run long distance and that my body wasn't up to it! Yet another couple of years went by and I got frustrated with myself that I still hadn't achieved my marathon goal! So, this time I signed up for a 50 mile race! I was fast approaching 40 and I needed to take drastic action! I knew if I trained seriously for a 50 miler, even if I couldn't run 50, there would be a good chance I would manage 26.2 miles and finally be able to cross that dream of running a marathon off my list! My friends say that is crazy logic, but it's how my mind works - I thrive best when I throw myself in at the deep end! Shoot for the moon and land yourself a star, right?!

    Tanya: What made you enroll in a 100 mile race? 

    Fiona: I wasn't expecting how I would feel after the 50 mile race. I thought I'd feel a sense of achievement, but instead, I felt disappointed. I'd loved every second of the training and the race, but something was missing. I'd heard so much about the huge mental challenge of running ultras, yet I hadn't come across that whilst running the 50. I'd been looking forward to discovering what kind of person I would be in such a difficult situation and how I would handle it. But, I finished the 50 miler in good shape and felt let down that it hadn't been tougher. So, I found a race that was twice the distance and seven times the ascent of the 50 - signing up for the 100 miler scared the living daylights out of me and I found training hard... so, I knew I'd found myself the mental challenge I was looking for!

    Tanya: What challenges have you faced during training? 

    Fiona: The challenges change every week. At the start of training, I was ill and getting tests for a gland problem. So, I had to push myself hard to get started on training. After a few months (once I felt better), I thought things would get easier, but that's when the challenges started coming thick and fast! Self-doubt, fear, loneliness, resistance from some loved ones, staying motivated to train every day, staying injury free, maintenance and self-care after training (which took up more time than I'd first imagined), physical pain, fatigue, mental boredom, having to push myself when all I wanted to do was quit... it was all going on! One of the hardest challenges, was breaking free from a lifetime of habits, conditioning and beliefs, particularly related to diet. The food side was all relatively new to me, so I had (and still have!) a lot to learn.

    Tanya: You ran on a 100% vegetarian and a high raw vegan diet, how long have you been eating this way and what made you choose it? 

    Fiona: I've been fully vegetarian for a year and a half (having occasionally been vegetarian or vegan for the last 8 years) and discovered raw food about 2 years ago. I came across the benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets 8 years ago when I became extremely sick and tired. I was going between the doctor and hospital for tests and nobody could diagnose what was wrong with me. I was lined up for another set of hospital tests and suddenly became really angry and frustrated. I felt that another 3 months could go by of being poked and prodded and I would be none the wiser about what was wrong. I couldn't stand being so sick for a single day longer. I realised I had to take my health into my own hands, so I started to search the internet and read all sorts of health books. It wasn't long before I discovered the health and diet connection and began to implement some of the recommended changes - cutting out alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, animal products, etc. Six months later, I was completely cured of whatever I'd had. I still don't know what was wrong with me, but now, any time I am sick or feel tired, the first thing I do is look at what I've been eating as a possible factor.

    Tanya: How do you feel your veggie diet supports your active lifestyle? Does it have a connection to your performance? 

    Fiona: I love this question! This is such a personal thing and always sparks great debates! All I can say is, for me, there is NO doubt that being vegetarian has improved my ability to train harder and achieve more. I have more energy, I recover faster and I generally, all-round feel so much lighter and better for it.

    Tanya: What is a startling nutritional fact, which you learned during your training? 

    Fiona: There are so many, it's hard to pick one! One of the most recent, important discoveries I made was that certain foods can worsen inflammation and other foods can ease it. Similarly, certain foods can make pain MUCH worse! I went through a stage of craving processed, sugary foods and at the same time, I had a really bad knee injury. For days, I couldn't sleep at night, the pain was so bad. I discovered that sugar increases sensitivity to pain and in a fit of desperation, I cut refined sugar completely out of my diet. Immediately, the pain halved... I'd even go so far as to say it reduced the pain by about 75%. It was a huge realisation for me! I KNOW I'm not "supposed" to eat cake and sweet stuff, but I didn't think it mattered, as the rest of my diet is generally balanced! It really makes me laugh now, in hindsight, how much of my suffering was self-inflicted (that darn chocolate cake!)

    Tanya: I know how you’ve been eating, but can you give everyone else an example of what your typical daily meal plan looks like?

    Fiona: A typical meal plan looks different depending on where I am with training. When the chips are down and training is tough, I naturally gravitate to a more raw, very healthy diet. I find I can't get through training (and everything else I need to do) without eating as 'cleanly' as I can. When not training, I still have lapses when I go back to my old lifestyle ways - I'll have a few drinks, eat some junk... but slowly, I'm moving away from that pull, which feels great! I still have so much to learn and many little changes to implement – but for the moment, this works for me.

    When I'm training, I'll have a green smoothie for breakfast.
    Mid-morning, I may grab a raw power bar, fruit, or porridge, if I'm still hungry.
    At lunchtime, I'll have a big, leafy green salad with raw vegetables and add some kind of cooked or sprouted grain, like quinoa.
    Then, dinner is usually cooked, with some raw salad on the side. For example, a spicy chickpea and tomato curry with cashew nut and saffron rice, with a raw cucumber salad.
    To drink, I always have one of the following in my hand: green tea, water, coconut water, caffeine-free herbal teas, home-made sports drinks, smoothies.
    I also eat raw snacks during my training.
    I make sports drinks, gels and power bars from fruits, nuts, seeds, oils, seaweeds and veg and after training, I make sure I get a raw recovery smoothie in asap.
    During long races, I'll try and eat more normally, so I add a little cooked food at breakfast, lunch and dinner, with raw snacks in between.

    At the moment, I will occasionally add a couple of Vega brand gels and bars during long races, because they're convenient and easy to carry, although ultimately, I'd like to find a way to run completely on home-made food (this is an issue of finding a portable system that works for me!)

    Tanya: What about your training schedule? What does a typical day involve?

    Fiona: There's not really such a thing as a typical day, which helps keep things interesting! I began by training 5 hours a week, peaking at 21 hours a week one month before the race. I would train 6 days a week and training centred around running (with very long runs at weekends – anything between 20 and 45 miles), speed walking, full-body strength training (geared towards run-specific exercises), cycling and jumping rope. As my race was quite hilly, I had to incorporate a lot of hill training – power walking up hills and running hard down.

    Tanya: How do you keep yourself motivated?

    Fiona: I have to constantly work on this aspect! I'm always looking for ways to stay motivated, even on the good days, when everything is going well. In fact, especially on the good days – that's when I have the energy to put into it. If I have to search for motivation on a bad day, it's already too late! I stockpile ideas for keeping me on track. I have a really long list of simple things I can do. Everything from measuring progress on charts, setting up a mini reward system (breaking a goal down into steps, rather than one overwhelming goal, then rewarding the achievement of each step), researching mental tricks, watching motivational movies, reading books, compiling a list of inspirational quotes.

    As an example, I wrote a list of “Run Rules”. When things get really bad, I look at the list and I know that something on that list will be just what I need to hear that day! The list includes things like, “no beating myself up, no questioning the goal, the only way out is through, no crying, etc...!” That 'no questioning the goal' rule has saved me from quitting sooo many times this year! There's no point deciding to do something as irrational as run 100 miles, then halfway through training, start rationally questioning why you're doing it. It seems ridiculous that just a small reminder like a list can make the difference between success and failure for me, but it does.

    Tanya: How do you think coaching helped?

    Fiona: Coaching, for me, is one of the keys to success! Getting help has been a huge factor in achieving what I set out to do. The last couple of years, I've made massive changes to my diet and my lifestyle. I had no idea what I was doing when I began, so learning from an understanding, supportive coach who was already doing what I wanted to do, was the fastest way to get to where I wanted to go. When I began, I didn't know anyone else who was eating raw, or running long distance, so I had to consciously seek them out. I'd really recommend coaching to everyone – even if it's just a couple of sessions. The time and energy you save by learning from an expert (as opposed to trying to figure it all out by yourself) pays for the coaching!

    Tanya: Tell us a little bit about the race. Did anything shocking or unexpected happen? Did you at any point consider pulling out and what got you through?

    Fiona: Due to a really stupid mistake, I had a knee injury going into the race which became a huge problem before I'd even gone 20 miles. So, I was seriously considering quitting at around 20 miles. I was still seriously considering quitting at 50 miles, too (ha ha!) but I'd managed to get that far, thanks to some extraordinary runners (one guy, called Matt, in particular). He mentally got me through to the halfway mark. I wouldn't have done it without him, not least because we kept getting lost and when you've got 100 miles to run, are in absolute agony and have no idea where you are and how to get back on track, mentally you start to lose the plot a bit! Luckily, the spirit out there during an ultra is a positive one and when things go wrong, it starts to all become extremely hilarious, which is one of the reasons I find it so much fun! I was really disappointed and worried about my knee, but once I'd run about 60 miles, something switched inside me – there was no way I was going to quit. In the end, I looked pretty ridiculous, having to crawl backwards down some hills as my knee was completely shot, but I found the upside was that once you get to a certain level of pain, it simply can't get any more painful. Pain has a limit. Once I'd managed to get myself to that stage, everything began to get easier again! Which is when we ran into the worst storm I've ever run in (I do love a British Summer!) The second night of running was crazy – it was freezing cold, blowing a gale, pouring rain (the paths we were running became rivers) and we kept losing the way in the dark. At one stage, the wind was blowing so hard, I couldn't stay on the path. I was getting gusted towards the cliff edge, so crouched down, meaning to put my hand down to steady myself... and in the light of my head torch, I realised there was nowhere to put my hand! I was right at the edge of a 200ft drop! It was like something from a deep space movie – all I could see in my beam was rain and a wide, pitch black expanse of nothing! I was absolutely terrified! From then on, it was a case of really digging deep and pushing myself! My jaw hurt from clenching my teeth so hard, but I was determined I was going to finish... alive!

    Tanya: After running 100 miles, what do you now know for sure?

    Fiona: We are all capable of so, so much more than we could ever imagine! I used to have many dreams when I was younger, but I never got out there and got around to achieving them. I always thought (or believed when I was told) that they were harebrained, crazy ideas that would never happen! I now know that if you want to do something, all you have to do is just decide what you want to do and get out there and do it! The only thing stopping you, is yourself!

    If you'd like to learn about some of the anti-inflammatory tips, home made sports gels, pre and post work-out drinks and energy bars, which Fiona has been having, come to the Lush Escapes 1 Day City Retreat in London: Raw Food & Yoga for Athletes with Tanya Alekseeva and Colby Hanks.

    A 5 SECOND HEADACHE CURE by Alissa Alekseeva

    Ooooo I am so excited, I can hardly type! 

    Today is officially the very first article written on my beloved bloggie by someone other than moi. I finally get a break! He he, kidding, that's not the exciting part. 

    You know I am pretty particular about what information goes up here, because you are pretty particular about what you like to read (yes I note each and every comment :) ). So it would have to be someone major special to be my first guest blogger for you. Has the name given you any clues yet about who this may be?

    My sister and best friend is not only the one I have complete trust and confidence in to deliver you with some power nuggets, she is also one of my own spiritual teachers and the author of a most insightful, inspiring, real and hilarious blog- Universe + Chorus

    If you find her article helpful, please let her know on Facebook or Twitter, I know how much it would mean to her (and me too!).

    With love,

    Guest post by Alissa Alekseeva

    Hello, all you sparkling Beings reading Better Raw and taking the initiative to live healthier and happier lives, high five to you!

    My name is Alissa Alekseeva, author of Universe + Chorus blog, and today I have a treat for you! I'm going to teach you the fastest way of getting rid of a headache. It's so fast, in fact it only takes 5 seconds and all it takes is one thought. Ready?

    Thought is not an energy in itself but when it occurs it attaches itself to an energy wave and goes to the source of the thought: whether it be a person, a possession, past, future etc. This is how I explain the law of manifestation. The more you think about something, the more waves you send to that certain thing and so it becomes prevalent in your life.

    The other side of manifestation or thought-wave sending is person to person, which is frankly never talked about and really is the most important thing to know. Think about it, your friend (Jenny) has done something you don't agree with or don't like. This thought is prevalent in your mind, it repeats and repeats and gains a forceful wave. Where do you think that wave goes? To Jenny of course.

    Think about the magic of a text message going from cell phone to cell phone, within seconds the exact thought that you wrote to an intended person catches a phantom wave in the air and appears out of thin air into Jenny's phone, even if she's half a World away. If the message was positive, Jenny feels happy, if negative, Jenny feels bad. Starting to get it?
    Our thoughts catch these magical waves and even though consciously we don't understand why we feel suddenly happy/sad/emotional at times, it's a safe bet to say that it is a result of someone else's thoughts of you.

    So what do we do?
    The first thing to realize here is that no matter what we may believe, we are all interlinked and we all affect one another.
    The second is to acknowledge your relationship with e-v-e-r-y-one and e-v-e-r-y-thing. This is grand scheme Karma.
    The third, the 5 second practice: is to release energy floating around in you that's not yours, i.e others' thoughts. If you are constantly in contact with people every day, I recommend doing this little energy cleanse right before you enter your home (so you don't infect your living space). It's super simple, without thought, close your eyes for 5 seconds and imagine/watch grey clouds leaving your bodies and as they do, watch them transform into white light and disappear into the Universe. Easy.

    When I do this little practice I always shudder, I can physically feel foreign energy leaving me, it's a great liberation and it's so fast!

    You will notice headaches disappear, you will feel aligned, you will feel light and whole. You will feel like you. 

    With healing waves, Alissa

    Alissa Alekseeva writes about holistic philosophy in a way that you can implement into your life to create a world you love to live in. She sees life as a song you sing, you can change its genre, mood, tone and impact. It's your Universe and Chorus.

    Facebook: Universe and Chorus
    Twitter: @UniverseChorus
    Website: www.universeandchorus.com


    So, I've been thinking. The rain kinda does that to you. And I've been thinking about me.

    I remembered a time in school when a teacher said something to me, which did not make much sense. This actually happened quite often, as we've recently immigrated to New Zealand and my English was a little rugged (nicely put). This time however she said something to me with such a meaningful tone, that I was drawn to jot it down, knowing that one day I will make sense of it.

    The words were "Don't be so hard on yourself".

    Since then I have quite possibly heard the very same words at least a hundred times and I can no longer even be sure if the majority of times they came from others… or myself.

    But the point is that, making great goals and having high standards is not the problem. The problem is not being satisfied with the outcome, not celebrating along the way and not giving yourself enough credit for everything else you’ve achieved and learned while going for gold.

    I’m talking a little loooove. Self love.

    Practicing #2

    I've come a long way since then. I've also come to a realisation that self-love goes far beyond the ever-so-predictable bubble bath. But then again, none of the below tips are revolutionary either. And they are certainly not difficult. Here are:


    1. Forgive your thoughts. It’s easy to kick yourself or get mad at random thoughts popping into your head during times of meditation, traffic jams or your boss’s annoying voice. Instead of getting irritated, just say “he he, I’m so hilarious, I forgive that thought”.

    2. Take yourself on a date. Yes a ‘real’ date. If it means a lovely restaurant with a view, then go for it. You can’t expect others to love your company if you feel awkward in it yourself, so relax and cherish this time. Remember to catch the guy with the roses for sale "yes please I'd love to buy myself a flower, because I'm awesome like that"!

    3. Carry cash, not cards. Money IS a big deal, whether you can say it out loud or not. Your bank account needs as much love and support from you, as your body and your relationships. However- constantly seeing nothing but credit cards every time you open your wallet screams… debt. So make a habit of taking out enough cash to last you however long, that way you can also keep track of your spending and fill yourself with prosperous thoughts when you touch the money money money- maaa-nay!

    4. Change your greeting. Have you ever thought that the way you greet someone is setting tone to that person’s entire day AND your own? Next time instead of saying ‘Are you keeping busy?’ or ‘Keeping out of trouble?’ or ‘Hi, are you OK?’- ask a question that can only have a positive reply, like ‘how great is your day on a scale of 10 to 20?’ or ‘what’s the best thing about this morning?’

    5. Don’t stinge out on organics. You’ve heard the news- inorganic produce contains little nutrients and loads of pesticides. It may seem, like you are getting all the extra chemicals as a freebie. Hooray- who ever said that nothing’s ever free? Perhaps it was the pesticide muncher with piles of medical bills later in life?

    6. Drink green juice from your best wine glass. Don't wait for a special occasion to use it. Today is the special occasion.

    7. Play a tourist in your own city. I’m not talking galleries and concert gigs. They are all good of course, but nothing compares to the thrills and appreciation of where you belong, like a double-decker bus around the city, guided walking tours, and cartwheels in a “I Heart [fill in your city here]” t-shirt. 

    8. Fall asleep counting blessings not sheep. Falling asleep in a state of gratitude is possibly the most therapeutic, healing, generous gesture towards your fabulous life.

    Self-love is the greatest gift you can ever give yourself. It is the only gift.

    Do you practice self-love? What do you do?

    Practicing #7

    Seven ways to use Aloe Vera

    Our latest addition to the family
    Aloe vera… Pretty much the best thing since dehydrated bread! 
    It has of course been around for longer than that, but I’m speaking about my own personal use and experience with both.
    Aloe vera comes from a cactus family and grows like a weed in New Zealand, so I never really thought much of it growing up. But when my love for raw food sprouted and my interest for holistic healing boomed- I would find myself stumbling across the benefits of Aloe vera in readings everywhere.
    So now as I visit my parents in their [semi new] Land of Longevity residence, I’d pretty much be bathing in the cactus goo or adding it to smoothies everyday. On my first visit there, I bought an entire plant for US$1, thinking I’d just use it all up over two weeks. But within days, as it sat outside, its roots started to reach and beg for the ground. Now the plant has its prominent spot in my parents’ garden and has even self-propagated numerous times.
    In London, I would often buy a leaf at the Asian or Caribbean markets and would ‘milk’ its use for as long as I can, like there’s been some sort of deficit, until it occurred to me that if I go to a near-by Plant Nursery- they may just sell Aloe vera as an ornamental plant. Success!
    Now I have my very own brand new addition to the Health Family and here are...
    1)  Like a moisturiser. Whether you are acne-prone, suffer from dryness, more serious skin conditions like psoriasis or seborrhoea dermatitis or just after an effective oil-free moisturizer, give Aloe a go. It is a natural humectant, so it increases water retention in the skin, and helps calm irritation and inflammation by feeding your skin vital nutrients, antioxidants and enzymes.
    2) As a laxative. Though I can’t speak from personal experience on using Aloe vera for this matter, I hear rave reviews on the wonders of juicing the entire part of the leaf to relieve constipation. Because it contains barbaloin, a solid fibrous compound, it is very effective at causing your bowel muscles to contract. It is never recommended to become reliant on laxatives, since you can develop lazy bowel syndrome, but rather for a period of 5-10 days as treatment. Here's how>>
    3) For healthy hair. Aloe vera can be found in some of the best shampoos and conditioners, which aren’t silicone-based. So why not apply it directly to your hair to control frizz (think eye brows too!)? The slightly acidic pH of Aloe gel will even help to seal the hair cuticle. If you ever experience an itchy or dry scalp, do apply the gel directly to your head too!
    4) On burns and wounds. Aloe vera has a lovely soothing and cooling effect, so it is often the main ingredient in creams for treating cooking burns and minor skin infections. It is well known for its anti-microbial and anti fungal properties to keep wounds clean. Apparently it doesn’t work on sunburns however, but I like to think otherwise- it’s always worked its magic to cool and calm my skin and is my personal number one choice for sunburn relief. 
    5) As a shaving gel. Traditional shaving creams contain a plethora of synthetic additives, carcinogens, contaminants and other stuff, which I am no expert in, but do know for a fact, that something which may seem innocent enough has high chances of entering your blood stream via the pores of your skin. Aloe vera is anti inflammatory, so its kind to skin, has a slippery gel texture, so it’s ideal for a close shave and contains 99% water, so it will even leave your legs, face or under arms hydrated.
    6) For a face mask. I love making up my own face masks and feeding my skin with everything yummy, nourishing and natural. I like to combine Aloe gel with a little cinnamon (a little!), high UMF raw honey and oats for a nice refreshing and taught mask. The oats are slightly course too, so when you wash the mask off, it acts like a natural scrub at the same time.
    7) For digestion and immunity. Aloe contains acemanna, a powerful stimulant to the immune system. Experts from the Moores Cancer Centre at the University of California found that Aloe vera helps the immune system by attacking abnormal cells during cancer treatments. This also helps assist digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids in your diet. I try to add at least 2cm of aloe inner gel to my desserts and smoothies 4 times / week.
    If you are not so keen on fussing around with fresh Aloe Vera leaves and want the ready gel in a bottle, Patrick Holford, author of The Optimum Nutrition Bible, recommends that “what you should look for is the amount of MPS (mucopolysaccharide precipitating solids) per litre. You want more than 10,000 MPS for a high-quality product.”
    My favourite Aloe vera products are by Forever Living. I've been using their amazing non-fluoride tooth gel with aloe vera and bee propolis for quite some time and recently started taking the Aloe Vera Gel Drink daily. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll know how fussy I am when it comes to products, so rest assured that I've done my background checks and can't recommend these products enough. Feel free to text your address to 07760577459 and I'll send you a brochure or go straight to the online store and order yours at www.aloe-store.myflpbiz.com .

    Alzheimer's Disease: what if there was a cure?

    For reasons unknown to me, all I've been hearing lately are stories of people struggling with Alzheimer's and how the disease of the brain set in years and years before they began seeing the symptoms. So when I came across a CBN Report on it in a short video, I just had to share it...

    In the video you will meet Dr Mary T. Newport, who went on a mission to help her husband with Alzheimer's disease and how the results of her research shocked even herself! She discovered one single ingredient not only slowed the progression of it, but reversed some of the symptoms!
    I especially wanted to share this video, since I use the magic ingredient so much in my recipes (just enter it in the 'search box' to your right to see how many recipes) AND the findings concluded that Alzheimer's is not the only disease it can cure, but many others like Parkinson's, ALS, Epilepsy, Dementia, Schizophrenia and Autism. 

    This great little video even clarifies the confusion about cholesterol once and for all, how to read the ingredients label for clues on choosing the right fat and what you can have as a natural probiotic.

    Dr Newport has since written a book 'Alzheimer's Disease: What if there was a cure?' Available on Amazon>>