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    Meet the Better Raw team | Green Warming Wintery Porridge Recipe

    What a week it's been! With Kiwi friends visiting London and other Kiwi friends getting ready to move back home, it's been a wild affair of busy-ness and reflection, this past week for me.

    I can hardly believe how much is accomplishable in just 7 days, but by far my highlights have been:

    1. Watching Elliot receive his Lordship title on his Birthday (see photo),
    2. Having an 'Iconic London' photo shoot with the amazing Samjhana Moon (more on this soon),
    3. Running my favourite class 'Raw Food 101' just yesterday (see photo), and
    4. Capturing this picture in my own lounge:

    It literally flooded every one of my cells with so much gratitude, it's not even funny. That is Kelly on the left, who you might've e-met in regards to all things 'fun + giveaways + reviews' at Better Raw. And that is Nina on the right, who you might've e-met in regards to eBook affiliates and marketing.

    And if you've contacted us via hello@betterraw.com, this is Michelle who you would've corresponded with:

    I feel so blessed to be surrounded by this amazing team (not to mention 'this amazingly good looking team'!) and to have the most sweet, loving, intuitive, clever and creative girls shaping the Better Raw community with me. It is only because of their generous help, that I can finally focus on bigger and much more important things for you!

    One upcoming project is so big and exciting, it scares the bleep out of me. Once I can reveal a little more- you, my friend will be the first to know...

    Watch this space :)

    But for now, enjoy a recipe, which the girls and I have been loving during our happy and productive Fridays together...

    Serves 2

    3 apples
    1 medium carrot
    1/4 pineapple
    1 inch ginger root
    big bunch kale (about 100g)
    3 cups jumbo oats
    optional toppings: fruit, desiccated coconut, goji berries, etc

    - Slice all your fruit and and veggies to prepare them for juicing.
    - Feed them through the chute of your juicer and stir the juice.
    - Mix the juice with oats in a large bowl and leave aside for 10-20 minutes to soak up the liquids and soften into a porridge.
    - Serve with fresh or dried fruit.

    Tanya's Top Tip: this recipe is best prepared with fruits and veggies which have been kept outside of the fridge for 24 hours. They would be at room temperature and contribute to creating a 'warming' porridge.

    Master of the Month | Jesse van der Velde | Cacao Superfood Smoothie Recipe

    Jesse and I first met when he just bought the UK's leading online superfood store, Detox Your World, from Shazzie. We've since collaborated on various projects, including the launch of my own Acid Alkaline Breakthrough program, over which time I've been able to experience Jesse's incredible work ethic, his dedication, wisdom and passion for wellness, first-hand. More importantly is that we've also become really great friends and got to hang out together with his wife, Marjolijn and my fiancé, Elliot, both in Amsterdam and in London. Jesse is no doubt a master of his work, whose career developed from personal training into being internationally recognised as the #1 health coach in the Netherlands, co-owning superfood web shops superfood.nl and detoxyourworld.com and authoring a bestselling book 'Forever Young', with another on its way. His popular newsletter is enjoyed by an astounding number of 125,000 fans! He is much too modest to ever call his subscribers 'fans' of course, but I am telling you- this wonderful human being, who is loving, kind, generous, and totally down-to-earth, good guy is also kind of a big deal in the wellness world! Meet our September's Master of the Month...
    Describe your typical day of eating and drinking. I start my day off with about half a liter of water, often followed with a fermented drink like Kombucha or Kefir. Then I make myself a smoothie. Because I work out a lot I always use a combination of fresh greens, fruits and a protein powder, together with other superfoods based on what I think my body needs. My intention is always to listen to my body. I believe our body is a very intelligent ‘system’.
    "Research showed that good bacteria in your colon tell your brain (there’s a direct connection from your gut to your brain) what to eat and how much to eat. So the healthier your colon is, and the broader your reference for different foods, the more intuitive you are on what you should eat. "
    Some of my favorite foods are spirulina, avocado, banana, so they’re included in my breakfast smoothie most of the time. I sometimes take up to 60 grams of spirulina per day! But please be aware that you really need to work your way up on your spirulina consumption. What I’m also always considering is what other superfoods or herbs my body needs to keep my hormones balanced. Our endocrine system is a very sensitive system, easily influenced by both internal factors and external factors. Like our thoughts and emotions (particularly stress), what we eat, and physical activity. All these can both influence our hormones positively and negatively, depending on what we do or not do, eat or not eat. Our hormones are also very much influenced by radiation (from WiFi and mobile phones), sleep, etc. I believe if we aren’t aware of this, our hormones slowly start to get out of balance which speeds up aging, fat storage, loss of libido and all those things we don’t want. Some of my favourite herbs are Ho Shou Wu, Mucuna Pruriens, Rhodiola Rosae. And some of my other favourite hormone balancers are Pine Pollen, Maca and Tribulus. During the day I eat things like Quinoa, I have a salad for lunch, I snack on raw protein bars (I like the Pulsin bars), some raw chocolate (LoveChoc is my favourite), avocado, etc. For dinner I like sweet potatoes with a salad or some steamed vegetables. We (me and my wife) also eat a lot of sea vegetables like Kelp Noodles or Wakame, and we also always have some Irish Moss in our fridge to throw in a smoothie. Often I eat dinner with a couple of eggs but I try to limit the amount of eggs I eat to about 7 a week. In the end most people become intolerant to any food that they eat too much of. I see that a lot in the people I coach...
    "After a period of being addicted to a certain food, your body starts rejecting it. And when you do a food intolerance test for those foods, results are 'allergy positive'! The body always keeps itself in balance."
    After a workout I always drink a protein smoothie. Before going to bed I take a vitamin B complex supplement (the one from PR Labs), I take OmegaZen for my omega 3’s and I take vitamin D3 during the winter. When drinking is concerned I don’t drink anything else but water and tea. I follow this formula to determine how much water I should drink: body weight in KG * 0.44 / 10. So when you’re a 100 kg that’s 4.4 litres water per day. What (or who) inspires you to eat well and stay healthy?  I think what inspires me most is to live as long as I can. I want to enjoy life and I also want to achieve a lot in my lifetime (I have a huge mission to help other people achieve amazing health!) but for example when I have to choose between working late to get something done or to do that the next day, I choose to go to bed, get my sleep, keep my body balanced and do the work later.
    "I don’t sacrifice my health to do anything, because I want to live long and have great energy during that time. I’m inspired by being the best I can be."
    What is your biggest weakness when it comes to food and how do you deal with that? I think my biggest weakness is eating too little. I exercise a lot and often when I start my days with a very nutritional smoothie, my body feels so fed and nourished that I'm not that hungry. And of course, if you don't eat, your metabolism slows down and you're not that hungry anymore at all. When it comes to wanting to live long, not eating a lot is an advantage. The less you eat, the longer you live (and the more you get to eat!). But if you want to gain a bit of muscle from your workouts, you need to EAT :) To me that feels like the biggest weakness. Complete these sentences: My top tip for... ...Improving your diet is: start to drink a green smoothie a day (keeps the doctor away!). Add greens, some fruits, an avocado, maybe some shelled hemp seeds, perhaps even some Spirulina. If you want to make it a real 'meal smoothie', add some protein powder from brown rice protein (Sunwarrior) or hemp protein powder. Keep adding the good stuff and you'll stop eating the bad stuff eventually! ...Staying healthy while traveling is: easy! Just mix some superfood powders together into a bag and bring that with you. I mix Sunwarrior protein with Spirulina, some Lucuma, some passion fruit extract (both for taste), some greens powders (like Tanya's pH booster!) and maybe even some super herbs like Chaga, together into one bag. I bring this with me and start every day with a smoothie. You just need to add water! ...Detoxing is: necessary for anyone. I believe in making sure you're exposed to toxins as little as possible (don't eat toxic foods!), but you're always exposed to them. So eat foods that cleanse your body. Like cilantro (coriander), parsley, Spriulina, Chlorella, and Zeolites. ...Immunising is: keeping your colon healthy. You need to 'invite' the good bacteria in your colon. Drink Kombucha (make it yourself!), and Kefir. Use a probiotic supplement once in a while. Ferment your own foods. All cultures, that throughout history have proven to live longer than other cultures, always had something fermented in their food pattern. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? Great question! I feel blessed every time I hear stories how my work (our programs, or the seminars we give) has changed someone's life. Not a week goes by without a story how someone has quit using their medication and how they completely changed their life by starting to heal their own bodies first. It touches me to hear that every time. How would you like to be remembered? As someone who cared for others and who made an impact in other people's lives. I believe that most people don't value their health enough. My mission is to show them that there's such a higher 'level' of health to experience: more energy, better skin, more satisfaction with your own body. And that it's such a big foundation for everything else in your life. If you got to keep only 3 of your belongings: 1 thing from your kitchen, 1 thing from your garden and 1 thing from your bookshelf- what would they be? Kitchen: Vitamix Garden: The kale that we're growing ourselves Bookshelf: "Mastery" by Robert Greene If you could host a dinner party for 3 guests (dead or alive)- who would they be and what would you serve?  I would invite Nelson Mandela, Tony Robbins and my wife Marjolijn, so she can learn from them as well. I would serve a raw salad with quinoa, home made basil, some sea vegetables (like Wakame) and Kombucha for drinks. Or something like that. I'm not the best chef haha :) Why do you believe that life is Better Raw? Because people who eat mostly raw foods and superfoods are so much happier! They're less stressed, more confident, more happy and more ALIVE! Women who eat mostly raw- radiate. Which makes men happier, and the world a better place ;)
    Our Master of the Month shares his favourite raw food recipe...
    Serves 1
    125 g of organic shelled hemp seeds 2 tablespoons of cacao powder Lucuma powder (add according to taste) 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder 1 banana ½ an avocado ½ litre of water -Simply place all of the ingredients into your blender, blitz for a few seconds or until smooth and it’s ready to serve.
    For more on Jesse, his best-selling books, his sought-after seminars, and the best online stores to purchase your superfoods in the Netherlands and UK, see www.jessevandervelde.com, www.superfood.nl and www.detoxyourworld.com.

    8 reasons why you need a Stinging Nettle in your life

    Mother Nature is miraculously wise. I will never stop learning from her and I never want to stop either. If there was one thing that I'm certain she'd want me to know for sure, it would be the language of her babies. Her babies that possess her wisdom. The plants of the earth. Wild edibles.

    These greens that we are so quick to dismiss as weeds and name-call as invaders to our gardens are actually nature's fast growing babies, screaming for attention, trying to tell us something...

    I used to go berserk over a weed which had reappeared just days after I've ripped it out of the ground, but I know better now. 

    I am fascinated by how quick it grows back because I know that its roots extend deeply into the earth- a clue to become grounded for when I choose to eat it. 
    I am amazed by how it doesn't only survive through any weather, it thrives during changing temperatures that fuel its cells- a clue to become energised for when I choose to eat it. 
    I am intrigued by how a weed could burn or sting us when touched- a clue that if it is that good at protecting itself, it will be that good at protecting and immunising us also.

    Not every weed is the same and not every weed is edible of course, but you'd be happy to know that a plant growing in abundance all around the UK, Asia, USA and Europe is one that's not only safe for consumption, but is a proven panacea to pretty much any ache and ill. Introducing... Stinging Nettles!

    Benefits of nettles are endless, but here are my top 8 reasons to add them into your diet:

    The fresh juice of stinging nettles stimulates digestion, enhances the excretion of wastes via kidneys and gently cleanses your entire system.

    Nettle teas have been used for centuries to stop urinary tract bleeding, slow down excessive menstrual flow and inhibit haemorrhoids.

    The chlorophyll in the cells of nettles is highly alkalising, which works to release the uric acid from the joints of gout patients. As the pH levels begin to rise, pain decreases along with any symptoms of gout, arthritis, fibromyalgia and other joint and tissue conditions.

    As a powerful tonic and cleanser, it works hard to shake up the internal system, promote appetite, and distress and eliminate intestinal worms.

    The leaves of nettles, which you can use in teas, juice through a juicer or flavour salads with are packed with iron, hence making it an effective treatment for building blood, anaemia and chronic fatigue.

    Applied topically, nettles stimulate the scalp, increase hair growth, strengthen the hair and prevent baldness. It's been proven to restore greying hairs to their original pigment and relieve dandruff too.

    Used as a wash, a nettle decoction will rejuvenate the skin and eliminate warts. A nettle tea, taken internally and applied externally at the same time is a great relief for eczema and acne.

    This is one of the amazing [and once realised, obvious] clues that Mother Nature provides us. As a way of making you react with nettle allergies, like hay fever, asthma and hives, it is trying to bring our attention to what is missing in our system. In this case stinging nettle leaves used as a herbal treatment are usually the remedy to such allergies, being full of biologically active compounds which reduce inflammation.

    If that's not enough reasons to start adding these babies into your diet, check out the great articles from Mother Earth News, Herbal LegacyNatural News and Herb Wisdom

    Otherwise, go for it, get some gloves on and start picking your own nettles! If you can get them from a forest, growing away from pollution- even better, no need to wash! Here I'm sharing some pictures with you of my recent trip to my dear client's holiday home in Le Touquet, France, where nettles grew like they were in a race and we were only happy to pick them for our juice...

    Just 2 hours from busy London city and you are in the most serene country side and a different country!

    We found a tractor!

    I am blown away by this image, as I took it without a person in sight, but looks like nothing stops an angel.

    Geri's  country house has literally every sporting equipment and game imaginable.  Fun!

    I love to fly. I love to jump. And I don't mind a bit of trampolining action. Not one bit!

    Who needs a caption, when you can see this with your eyes.

    I think I may have taken about 100 shots of every angle and still I could take 100 more.

    Nights are for movie watching by the fire.

    The house has 7 bedrooms and sleeps 15 people, you can rent it! Ask me for Geri's contact details.

    The room that saw the most action- we juiced our wild edibles, ate dehydrated snacks and chatted for hours.

    Country side meets Nature meets France. All in one cosy, beautiful house.

    Some friends saying hello.

    Paris Plage is just over an hour drive away!

    Apart from NZ, this is by far the most active beach of kite surfing, biking, swimming, running, playing and horse riding I've ever seen.

    And something equally as fascinating in my books was this! Our ride back home... under water, through the ocean from France to England, inside EuroTunnel. Incredible!

    And because I can't just list a heap of reasons to take nettles, but not leave you with a way to do just that, here is a recipe, which is both easy and tasty...

    serves 2

    Large bowl of nettles (or a mix of wild edibles)
    2 beetroots
    2 pears
    1 celery sprig
    1/2 lemon

    -Pick the nettles using gloves so they don't sting you and use either tongs or gloves to transfer them into your juicer with.
    -Slice the rest of the ingredients and feed them, including the rind of the lemon, through a juicing chute.
    -Stir and enjoy.

    If you are looking for a juicer, check out my recommendations here: www.betterraw.com/p/store.html . If you are looking for the very best juicer to get the most out of your greens, look no further than the GreenStar Elite>>

    My top nine on Croatia + the ideal healthy skin food in a glass

    Last month Elliot and I trekked to Croatia via Italy, where we met friends, celebrated my finale of 28 days of alkalising, beached, danced and explored a new part of the world.

    Give me the beach and the sun and I'm your girl for ever. 
    The Island of Pag in Croatia delivered. 
    But I won't leave it there, I had soooo many favourites. Here's my top nine anyway...

    1. The cleanest and most picture perfect ports.

    2. The sunsets.

    3. Scootering all over the island of Pag and coming across this view. The view!

    4. The blue blue skies.

    5. Friends! Having London close enough for a bunch of us to holiday together.

    6. This.

    7. Hiring four wheelers.

    8. No tides, which means you could sit on the beach with your feet in the water all day.

    9. Being able to order a whole pint of freshly squeezed orange juice in most bars.

    Orange juice and Croatia's abundance of oranges wasn't the only foodie highlight. Melons tasted out-of-this-world insanely good. Rock melons were like ice cream right our of the fridge and watermelons served as the best hydrating treat you could dream of. 

    We ate melon on its own or chopped it into fruit salads, and when I got home- all I wanted was for the holiday taste to continue, which inspired me to make this heavenly drink... 

    Serves 4

    4 cups watermelon, chopped flesh only
    2 cups strawberries
    1/2 whole rock melon, deseeded and peeled
    1 tbsp Acai berry powder
    optional: ice

    - Transfer all of the ingredients into a blender and blend on high.
    - Enjoy right away or freeze it in ice cube trays to use as flavoured ice in other drinks or to wizz up into sorbet.

    Tanya's Top Tip: Acai berry powder is a freeze-dried result from harvesting Acai berries. These berries are a superfood full of anti oxidants, Vitamin A, amino acids, calcium and monounsaturated fatty acids, making it the ideal healthy skin food.

    Lately in the Press...

    Here are a few of the publications and events I was fortunate to contribute to recently.

    See the 'Appearing' page for more and feel free to get in touch with all media opportunities by emailing Tanya At Better Raw Dot Com.


    All four copies of my eBooks (Purified, Seduced, Festive and Nourished) are being translated into French and will soon be available on http://www.marketveg.com 

    CAM Lifestyle Magazine- expert advice on finding the right juicer.
    August 2013

    Raw Food 101 is still the No1 Amazon Bestselling DVD since its release in November 2011.

    Planet Organic have worked tirelessly to give Raw Food more awareness in the UK. As their finale to a mega successful RAWvolution- their month of raw, I was invited to round it off as their expert guest chef.
    July 2013

    Healthy Staff Magazine - my collaboration with Tribest to bring healthy smoothie recipes to workplaces.
    Summer 2013

    Alternatives - this leading event organisation for conscious speakers had me as one of their Soul of Coaching presenters and the first ever spokesperson on Raw Food, since their release in 1982.
    Spring/Summer 2013

    Radio Verulam (St Herts, UK 92.6 FM) - interviewed by Elizabeth Shakti Kaloczi.
    July 2013

    Get Fresh! Magazine - My 'Cleansing, the Alkaline way' article.
    Summer 2013

    Jesse van der Velde - the CEO of Detox Your World and Superfood.nl interviews me.
    May 2013

    WOW TALKS - Special guest for Food + Drink London event.
    February 2013